Crystal Skulls

Crystal Skulls are artifacts with a variety of uses, from divining the future to bringing good fortune. Their use cases change depending on what the holder wants them to do, and they must be charged with intent beforehand. Initially created early in the Yucatan peninsula, around 1500BCE, where their initial use was determined to be simple decorations. After passing through the age of myth relatively unscathed, many original specimens were excavated and misidentified as religious artifact, leading to the now-rampant misconception they hold occult or spiritual power. This misconception has led to the current shared anomaly. This misconception came about in the early 1920s, and the anomaly asociated can transfer at full efficiency to non-original specimins provided they are appropriately crude looking. With proper presentation, even a cheap glass forgery can function as powerfully as an actual crystal or quartz speciment, though quartz is the only potential material with actual spiritual conduit capabilities. In the right hands, a crystal skull can accurately predict the future, in the wrong hands, it can actively create tragedies that did not initially exist in the future.