November 2022 Research Report

Department; Occult Mystery Research, Containment Subdivision.

Experiment; RC-2 Φ.

Purpose; Recent Tracking Failures.

Subject status;

Tracking has begun failing at seemingly random times. Operatives inside the containment radius during the outages gace maintained that the subject was not doing anything that could be considered suspicious, activities documented during outages include;

There is currently no correlation between these activities and anything that may be a connective factor. We will write this off as the current tracking serum being ineffective and as such will call him in for a check-up at the nearest convenience.

When you can, sir, please ask chemistry to formulate a new multi-genome strain of the tracking serum, he's beginning to experience multi-species genetic chimerism. It would bhe unfortunate to lose track of him, he could be useful for testing medicine on mutant strains.

P.S. Respectfully, sir, I must decline the wedding invitation, I have to attend my son's birthday and the journey through the dimensional barrier will be extremely stressful on my body.