The Lunar Saint

The Lunar Saint, formerly The Man In The Lake, was a rampaging invader that was sent from the moon during the Age of Myth. A powerful wizard who has faded from history and into legend after an undocumented incident was the one to seal him inside the land where the lake now stands, and the recent incident with the Saint of Filth released him from his torment.

Much like the way that humans are inferior to other humanoid species, the human saints have much less capacity to perform miracles, and as such, the Lunar Saint is unique in that he is able to perform as many miracles as he pleases whenever he sees fit, but his will to do so was greatly lowered when he was sealed within the land.

As he is not a being of the earth, his centre of gravity propels him away from the earth, he has adapted one of his myriad miracles to fly, however, he will never be able to tread the ground of the earth again.

The miracles of the moon often rely on hardening moonlight, or manipulating gravity, it is believed that in a setting where he must engage in combat again, he would be able to utilize moonlight constructs to create gravity wells or particle acceleration guns.

It is currently observed that he has been spending a lot of time with the Saint of Filth, they appear to be forming a close friendship.